PK Batangas - Racing Circuit

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Contact ingame with Dyers.1567








Rank Chests Nick Time Difference Average Speed Distance Drift Factor Score Log file
1 🥇Reaper 00:58,492 +00:00,000 121.02 2698 93.03 % 15000 👻Download
2 🥈Wizbird 00:58,898 +00:00,406 118.99 2576 90.59 % 14792 👻Download
3 🥉Phoenix Rd 00:59,051 +00:00,558 119.24 2610 92.29 % 14714 👻Download
4 Arydae 00:59,999 +00:01,507 118.01 2627 87.82 % 14227 👻Download
5 Kershl 01:00,279 +00:01,787 118.72 2728 92.05 % 14083 👻Download
6 Andur 01:00,799 +00:02,307 117.19 2672 87.25 % 13817 👻Download
7 Dr Fritz Finkelstin 01:01,287 +00:02,795 115.21 2737 90.48 % 13566 👻Download
8 Garfried 01:02,087 +00:03,595 114.98 2545 83.53 % 13156 👻Download
9 U Killer U 01:04,096 +00:05,603 111.04 2587 79.65 % 12126 👻Download
10 Decima Smokestalker 01:04,713 +00:06,221 111.06 2506 79.2 % 11809 👻Download
11 Przmytnik 01:06,033 +00:07,541 109.22 2479 75.74 % 11132 👻Download
12 Flitze Fussel 01:07,349 +00:08,857 107.56 2386 76.51 % 10457 👻Download
13 Saladin Cornblessed 01:07,840 +00:09,348 104.98 2252 72.23 % 10205 👻Download
14 Hugedevice 01:09,005 +00:10,513 105 2444 76.58 % 9608 👻Download
15 Knusper Knolle 01:09,199 +00:10,707 104.48 2296 67.63 % 9509 👻Download
16 Gental Foot 01:10,683 +00:12,191 105.56 2419 67.61 % 8748 👻Download
17 Dyers 01:12,082 +00:13,590 101.89 2250 55.38 % 8030 👻Download
18 Lhifnir 01:13,561 +00:15,069 98.75 1990 33.9 % 7271 👻Download
19 Kyzerslowgon 01:13,835 +00:15,343 101.33 2405 60.93 % 7131 👻Download
20 Fhaye Tallity 01:14,752 +00:16,260 96.13 1880 16.41 % 6660 👻Download
21 Sonic Muffin 01:15,029 +00:16,537 95.58 1914 16.51 % 6518 👻Download

Record history

Rank Nick Time Date Log file
1 Reaper 00:58,492 2025-02-07 14:40:46 👻Download
2 Wizbird 00:58,898 2023-10-04 06:56:12 👻Download
3 Wizbird 00:59,074 2023-10-04 06:49:07 👻Download
4 Wizbird 00:59,925 2023-10-04 06:29:21 👻Download
5 Andur 01:01,595 2023-06-04 05:36:19 👻Download
6 Andur 01:02,083 2023-06-04 05:26:11 👻Download
7 Andur 01:03,610 2023-06-04 05:25:07 👻Download
8 U Killer U 01:04,096 2023-06-03 19:39:15 👻Download


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This asura is Killer

Hi!, I'm the creator of this tool, I hope you enjoy as I did making , and using it.

At the begining, this was only a tool to guess how the f*** could people like reaper go that fast, and was a very cool process the path of the knowledge.

This proyect does not need any money or subscription, but I will never say no if you want to send me gold ingame to buy skins XD (killer.8974)

Dont forget that the code of this proyect is open source, and free to reuse or copy for whatever reason, but, if someone have any problem or want to add more features to the tool, dont hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy and have fun racing! <3