Max map score



This map is in Tyria








Rank Chests Nick Time Difference Average Speed Distance Drift Factor Score Log file
1 🥇Arydae 01:04,121 +00:00,000 104.26 2244 70.78 % 5000 👻Download
2 🥈Reaper 01:05,531 +00:01,410 102.57 2124 64.45 % 4780 👻Download
3 🥉Andur 01:07,490 +00:03,369 98.23 2050 41.68 % 4475 👻Download
4 U Killer U 01:08,252 +00:04,131 98.49 1975 47.65 % 4356 👻Download
5 Mère Docu 01:09,638 +00:05,517 94.25 1774 3.33 % 4140 👻Download
6 Sgt Portal 01:09,957 +00:05,836 94.05 1825 2.47 % 4090 👻Download
7 Torin Blazewing 01:10,054 +00:05,933 97.06 1945 35.07 % 4075 👻Download
8 Garfried 01:10,083 +00:05,962 94.71 1820 23.66 % 4070 👻Download
9 Jestemtaki 01:10,239 +00:06,118 94 1789 1.82 % 4046 👻Download
10 Lhifnir 01:10,642 +00:06,521 93.13 1801 0.11 % 3983 👻Download
11 Dyers 01:11,309 +00:07,188 91.82 1836 0.06 % 3879 👻Download
12 Leapcow 01:11,540 +00:07,419 92.14 1910 9.5 % 3843 👻Download
13 Chavyjav 01:11,684 +00:07,563 92.7 1867 15.05 % 3820 👻Download
14 Lady Amaltea 01:14,777 +00:10,656 89.26 2090 9.33 % 3338 👻Download

Record history

Rank Nick Time Date Log file
1 凤凰飞迅 01:02,712 2024-12-04 12:37:24 👻Download
2 凤凰飞迅 01:02,720 2024-08-19 15:19:39 👻Download
3 凤凰飞迅 01:02,891 2024-08-17 17:41:41 👻Download
4 凤凰飞迅 01:02,995 2024-08-17 15:10:31 👻Download
5 Arydae 01:03,005 2022-09-18 02:21:16 👻Download
6 Vadrorias 01:03,110 2022-09-17 17:12:24 👻Download
7 Arydae 01:03,202 2022-09-16 06:07:57 👻Download
8 Arydae 01:03,398 2022-04-10 04:28:20 👻Download
9 Arydae 01:03,462 2022-04-09 05:49:17 👻Download
10 Arydae 01:03,684 2022-01-16 01:26:36 👻Download
11 Reaper 01:03,953 2021-11-23 23:48:44 👻Download
12 Vadrorias 01:03,977 2021-11-23 10:16:12 👻Download
13 Reaper 01:04,412 2021-11-13 14:34:26 👻Download
14 Reaper 01:04,789 2021-11-13 14:15:24 👻Download
15 Arydae 01:04,802 2021-11-07 04:25:48 👻Download
16 Reaper 01:04,848 2021-08-27 17:41:16 👻Download
17 Reaper 01:05,369 2021-08-27 14:19:53 👻Download
18 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:05,397 2021-07-02 13:19:26 👻Download
19 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:05,437 2021-06-28 19:19:05 👻Download
20 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:05,687 2021-06-28 18:51:21 👻Download
21 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:05,711 2021-06-28 18:45:44 👻Download
22 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:05,788 2021-06-22 20:16:50 👻Download
23 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:05,841 2021-06-16 18:41:54 👻Download
24 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:06,825 2021-06-16 13:37:47 👻Download
25 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:06,905 2021-06-16 13:19:55 👻Download
26 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:06,923 2021-05-30 18:48:48 👻Download
27 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:07,719 2021-05-28 19:12:57 👻Download
28 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:07,798 2021-05-27 20:52:51 👻Download
29 Reaper 01:08,088 2021-05-27 19:41:09 👻Download
30 U Killer U 01:08,340 2021-05-25 19:46:04 👻Download
31 U Killer U 01:08,441 2021-05-08 18:28:03 👻Download
32 Reaper 01:08,520 2021-05-07 23:34:58 👻Download
33 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:08,669 2021-05-04 19:35:21 👻Download
34 Rei 01:08,801 2021-05-03 21:59:26 👻Download
35 Reaper 01:08,801 2021-05-02 21:47:52 👻Download
36 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:09,175 2021-04-14 19:56:30 👻Download
37 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:09,362 2021-04-13 15:53:05 👻Download
38 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:09,437 2021-04-13 15:51:54 👻Download
39 Xeiixeii Hyperboost 01:09,570 2021-04-13 15:48:18 👻Download
40 U Killer U 01:10,887 2021-04-13 11:43:37 👻Download
41 U Killer U 01:11,751 2021-04-12 21:02:30 👻Download


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This asura is Killer

Hi!, I'm the creator of this tool, I hope you enjoy as I did making , and using it.

At the begining, this was only a tool to guess how the f*** could people like reaper go that fast, and was a very cool process the path of the knowledge.

This proyect does not need any money or subscription, but I will never say no if you want to send me gold ingame to buy skins XD (killer.8974)

Dont forget that the code of this proyect is open source, and free to reuse or copy for whatever reason, but, if someone have any problem or want to add more features to the tool, dont hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy and have fun racing! <3